Hair Growth Boosters: 3 Natural Oils Your Hair Will Love

Hair Growth Boosters: 3 Natural Oils Your Hair Will Love

Hair and scalp oiling has been around for centuries, and lately it has been trending all over TikTok and YouTube.

Hair oiling has numerous benefits: it encourages healthy hair growth, improves scalp health, reduces frizz and prevents hair breakage.

Before you incorporate hair oiling into your hair care routine, there is one important decision to make: which oil should you choose?
Here are 3 natural hair oils that your hair will love:

1. Castor oil

    Castor oil is a thick oil made from the seeds of the castor plant. This popular oil is most famous for its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which contribute to your scalp’s health – and we all know that a healthy scalp = healthy hair.

    If you have dry, damaged hair, split ends or thinning hair, castor oil may help you with that. There are also numerous claims that castor oil stimulates hair growth, thus helping your hair grow faster and maintain a healthy look. 

    Wondering how would castor oil work with your hair type?

    If you have low porosity hair, castor oil wouldn’t be an ideal choice for you because its thickness makes it too heavy. However, that same thickness is exactly why high porosity hair would love it! Wondering why? High porosity hair has gaps in the cuticle layer, so castor oil’s thickness fills in those gaps and provides much needed moisture, leaving the hair nourished and shiny.

    2. Rosemary oil

    You probably came across some of those incredible “before and after” hair transformations on TikTok or YouTube, featuring the “holy grail” for hair growth and thickness – rosemary oil.

    Is it overhyped or is it really all that? Let’s dive in and learn about rosemary oil and its benefits.

    Rosemary oil is extracted from the leaves of the rosemary plant, which is native to the Mediterranean. Rosemary oil contains ursolic acid, which increases circulation to the scalp and helps promote healthy hair growth. It can also soothe an itchy scalp, and make hair shiny, silky, and thick.

    While it’s great for all hair types, low porosity hair will love it because of its lighter texture. Rosemary oil will make low porosity hair look beautiful without weighing it down. 

    3. Argan oil

    Here’s another oil you probably heard about, so let’s learn more about it and help you decide which of these is the perfect one for you.

    Derived from an argan tree that’s native to Morocco, argan oil is a must if you’re looking for smooth, shiny hair. It’s amazing for preventing split ends and breakage while adding that extra sparkle to your hair.

    The amazing benefits of argan oil do not stop here. It’s rich in vitamin E, famous for its ability to increase hair growth and thickness, which is something we all want, right?

    Wondering about how it’s gonna work with your hair type? Argan oil is similar to Rosemary oil – great for all hair types, but especially for low porosity hair because of its effortless absorption.

    Now that you have an idea which oil would work best for you, you’re probably wondering: “Well, how do I use it?”

    Here’s how to do a full oiling routine with the hair oil of your choice:

    1. Brush your hair.

    2. Apply oil on your scalp and gently massage with your fingertips using a slow circular motion. Take your time and do not tug on your hair.

    3. Section your hair and apply oil to the mids and ends of your hair.

    4. Braid your hair or put it up for 3-4 hours, then wash as usual, with or without the conditioner/hair mask, it’s totally up to you.

    Note: Using essential oils undiluted on hair may cause skin irritation or sensitivity, so make sure to dilute them before use.

    To Sum Up:

    Natural hair oils such as castor oil, rosemary oil and argan oil have great benefits for your hair. They promote healthy hair growth, improve scalp health and make your hair look healthy and gorgeous.

    Choosing a natural hair oil and incorporating the hair oiling method into your hair care routine can do wonders for your hair! If you stick to it, you will probably see results in 3-6 months, so be patient, as these things take time.

    However, if you’re busy and you don’t really have time for it but still want luscious, healthy locks, visit us at Hello Gorgeous Beauty Salon Naples and choose one of our hair treatments. Our experienced hair stylists are there to make sure that you exit our salon with a smile on your face!

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