Ah, bangs. Such a small word, so many opinions on it! I have never met a woman who didn’t, at some point in her life, ask herself “should i get bangs?” or “what would i look like with bangs?” – me included. There is something about them that I’m not sure how to explain other […]
Is it just me, or are we seriously breezing through the month of November? It feels like just a few days ago we were talking about the most popular fall trends, and look at us now—always looking and staying ahead. And gotta say, I love that. Love being on-trend! So, with winter slowly approaching, as […]
Alright, gentlemen, I know the deal—you secretly care about your hair way more than you lead us to believe. And I’m lovin’ that! Men should absolutely care about their appearance, whether your goal is simply looking presentable or following the latest trends. So, I know why you’re here. You want to know all about the […]
*sigh* Let me guess why you’re here – you have straight hair that just falls flat against your head and nothing seems to volumize it? Yup, I know exactly what that’s like. Having straight hair, as well as thin strands, myself, I know a thing or two about struggling with forcing volume (without it disappearing […]
Whew, October is already here! Doesn’t it feel like we’re just breezing through the months? That’s at least how I feel, and this Floridian weather isn’t helping. Anyone else struggling with frizz? I know it’s not just me. Now, we know new seasons are the perfect time to switch it up when it comes to […]
We all know those women who like to experiment with different hairstyles and colors, boldly rocking all kinds of shades and looking amazing while doing it. I often wondered – how do they manage to pull it off so well? If you’re reading this, chances are you’re wondering the same. Maybe you’re finally thinking about […]
Many women struggle with hair loss, and some of them are anxious or ashamed to talk about it or seek help. And no wonder, as hair loss affects not only your appearance, but your confidence, too. Healthy, long, luscious hair has been one of the symbols of femininity for centuries. Most women are proud of […]
Understanding our skin type helps us care for it and choose the right products, and the same logic can be applied to hair. Knowing your hair type means knowing how to maintain its health and shine, allowing it to grow and look its best. However, staying in the dark, using the wrong methods and products […]
It seems that we’ve just gotten used to our summer hair color and style, and the seasons are already changing! Light colors are out, and in come gorgeous deep copper, walnut brown, and bronzy blonde shades… and aren’t they so tempting to embrace? Even so, there is no pressure to keep up with the trends, […]
Blake Lively hair care line is out and it’s everything everyone’s talking about these days – and no wonder! I know you know Blake, and aside from being a fantastic actress, she’s widely known for her timeless beauty and glorious hair. Oh yes! I can’t tell you how many women visited my salon asking for […]